Friday, May 23, 2014

Laura Cantrell, Peel Acres, May 8, 2003

This is one of my musical touchstones (I get these about once a decade or so) that completely shifts my musical orientation. In this case, it turned me (back) to acoustic-based music: folk, bluegrass, or, in somewhat watered-down form, "singer-songwriter."  I downloaded this session from the usenet soon after it was broadcast. I'm not sure, but I don't think there was any other way to get John Peel in the US back then. I downloaded it on a lark, as usual.  I didn't know who John Peel was, didn't know who Laura Cantrell was. But I heard that spark. Once in a decade or so, I hear it. Re-listening to this session now, it's still there.

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